Wecome followers... on a journey to explore the wide world of web tools.

I will be using this blog to explore and evaluate a range of web tools with an emphasis on the practicality of their use in an educational setting.... so jump on board for the ride!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Newbie to blogging

In the past, I have been a regular offender of reading and observing blogs created by others to find out information or answer queries. Although I realise this information is not always the most reliable, it has helped me regularly with troubleshooting and problem solving with many issues I have encountered.

With this in mind, I have never understood the underpinnings or full potential of how a blog actually works, nor the purpose they serve for an online community. After enquiring, I have come to discover that blogging is another way of acquiring and sharing 'news' with an online community. I feel that my new understanding will allow me to access and utilise this tool more effectively to benefit myself and also my future classroom.

The use of blogging in a classroom could have both positive and negative learning aspects. I believe that this learning could be shaped by the way in which a learning manager allows their learners to interact with and use this communication tool. I personally think that the exploration of critical literacy would be a great introduction to the purpose and reliability of blogs and how they viewed and utilised in society.

Throughout this blog, I will be exploring and evaluating a range of e-learning tools in relation to their relevance and purpose for use in an educational setting. I look forward to sharing my new knowledge with this community.

1 comment:

  1. Reflection on blogging...
    In looking at what others have discovered about blogging, I have come to consider this as a tool that I feel I could successfully implement in my classroom. Discussions with Sarah (see link below) has given me a new outlook on the threats and opportunties that an online communication tool, such as a blog,could faciliate successful collaborative reflection and learning.

