Wecome followers... on a journey to explore the wide world of web tools.

I will be using this blog to explore and evaluate a range of web tools with an emphasis on the practicality of their use in an educational setting.... so jump on board for the ride!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Check this tool out for some fun. Blabberize

I stumbled across this tool recently and I love it. Similar to the Avatars we looked at earlier in the course, this tool allows you to add voice to an image. The difference that I found is that you can actually choose your own image and decide where and how it will open its mouth. I then had the choice of adding my voice via a microphone, a save message or a recording from my mobile phone.

Its so easy to make, and its free. The mouth actually moves in conjunction with your voice.
This could have great implications for a primary class, especially for presentations. It allows for fun and interactivity too. This penguin could be something that I would use as a hook into my lesson. It provides engagement and it could also act as an avatar by employing the students as a role for a particular task.

Have a play, let me know your thoughts.

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