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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Podcasting - an insightful find

Alright, you have lost me! So… what is a podcast? A simple question I had to initially investigate before I was able to explore in possible implications in a classroom learning environment. This is what I found…

Van Orden (2005) describes podcasting as a way in which anybody can create or listen to any audio content desirable via a computer, or portable multimedia device, such as an MP3 player. He goes on to say that the word podcast was developed as a play on words from the original notion of broadcasting, however, in connection with the popular MP3 device, the iPod (and other MP3 players), can be used to download and listen at a time convenient to the listener.

This gave me some insight into what podcasts are, but this clip by Trent1501 was what really defined it for me.

The following is a link to a podcast from NASA. It is called the Mars Rover Talk. This podcast elaborates on the sounds that were identified from the Rover while it was on Mars, and is narrated by NASA staff to inform the listener of what is going on.


This podcast is one of many that NASA has to offer and is updated regularly. A podcast like this has many great uses in the classroom, especially with the regular introduction of new devices into schools such as iPods and iPads. If I were to use this in my classroom, here are some possible ideas for intentional learning:
  • A hook or introduction into a unit of work, space exploritory
  • A stimulus for creative writing
  • A research lesson into Mars

In response to finding out that anybody can create and upload their own posts, I thought I would give it a go myself. Unfortunately the site that was recommended to me for this is not taking any new users, however, due to the large number of current users. I would still be interested in creating my own though, so if you have any recommended sites, could you please let me know?


  1. Hey Emma, I enjoyed reading about your Podcasting investigation!
    It seems like you've really undertaken some good research. I actually didn't know that YouTubes were a type of podcasting until I started doing some of my own research. Maybe you could try uploading a YouTube podcast. Or you could even use a recording system on your computer and try uploading it via google blogger.
    This YouTube tells you how to do it:

    Happy Blogging :)

  2. Thanks Jess,
    Since my last post, I have actually started subscribing to some educational podcasts to try and get a better feel for them. I have found it really great be able to view them as I please from the convenience of my iPhone. I am still yet to upload my own though. Thank you for your idea, I'll be sure to give it a go.
